FAQ side

Frequently Asked Questions
How can i get started with FasterUI?
Is FasterUI 100% Free to Use?
Yes, this is a 100% free-to-use kit. You don’t need a license or permission to use any of the elements, but you can support us by following on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Who is Working on UI elements for FasterUI?
Do i Need Nuy License for Using Elements?
How Can i Contribute?
Frequently Asked Questions How can i get started with FasterUI? Is FasterUI 100% Free to Use? Yes, this is a 100% free-to-use kit. You don’t need a license or permission to use any of the elements, but you can support us by following on Twitter and LinkedIn. Who is Working on UI elements for FasterUI? Do i Need Nuy License for Using Elements? How Can i Contribute?
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We will do our best to publish as many assets and categories as possible!

`; navigator.clipboard .write([ new ClipboardItem({ "text/html": new Blob([figmaCode], { type: "text/html" }), }), ]) }); }); });